Oor Bit - Cowdenbeath Area

Oor Bit - Cowdenbeath Area

Tell us how we could improve the Places and Spaces in the Cowdenbeath Area - from Kingseat and Crossgates through to Cardenden and Benarty. How would you spend a share of £250k to make 'Oor Bit' of Fife even more attractive to live in, work in and visit?


New Bins -Kelty

Kelty Community Cinema

Improve facilities in park area on Bath Street Kelty

Hill of Beath Junior football Park

upgrade the park at park road, cowdenbeath


Public WiFi

New proper park for Crossgates!

Parking Bays for Torbeith Gardens, Hill of Beath


Cyclepath/Walkway - Cowdenbeath to Kingseat

Play Area along the Line in Cowdenbeath

Stone wall in Crossgates between North and Windmill Knowes

Notice Boards

youth club in lochgelly

Quarry Park - Kelty

Hill of Beath Community Area

upgrade launcherhead play park

Environmental Training Scheme - Kelty

More Planters for Benarty

Heritage Site Upgrade

Cowdenbeath Public Park

Community Garden - Hill of Beath


Cowdenbeath Public Park

Pavement Improvement

hill of beath

West End Park Lochgelly

Reinstate benches back into Lochgelly


Local History Information point

Community Noticeboards

Solar Lighting for WW1 memorial Lochleven Road Lochore

Accident Waiting to happen

Gelly Loch - improve access create picnic/rest area

Community Noticeboards (multiple locations)

Cardenden Community Woodland paths.

Community Noticeboards

Chapel Street

Hill of Beath - play facilities

More seating in areas of Cowdenbeath

wi-fi access

Art in the underpass from Morrissons to Selkirk Avenue

Crossgates wall

Pedestrian Crossing

Cowdenbeath - Walkway from Leisure Centre towards Rowan Terr

Cycle Path from Crossgates to Inverkeithing

Provision of Hearing Aid Batteries

Grace Street Allotments Lochgelly

More Play Equipment For Lochore Park


a decent park in crossgates

Paths and running markers within the Woodlands Trust area

Dallas Doyle Play Park

Play-park equipment for young people with disabilities

Area at back of Rosebank Allotments

Area opposite Tom Courts on way up to Morrisson

Balbedie Ave Allotments


New Play Area in Lochore

Street Parking

cardenden play area's

Bus Services and bus stops

leisure park facilitating all age groups

Wallsgreen Park, Cardenden

Open Source time-based Air Quality Monitors (3 - £10K)

New Park

Improved signage for the Public Park

scottish botanic garden

New Community Park in Ballingry

Cycle path linking Cowdenbeath & Kingseat via Cuddyhouse RD

Derelict Building

Public Park, Cowdenbeath

Trees at West End Park (Lochgelly)

place for families.

Disabled friendly equipment in the Wallsgreen Playpark

Brunton Square

Improvements & Repairs to Brunton Hall

Defibrillators for the Lochgelly area (minimum of 4)

Main Street

Cowdenbeath - Bollards/Seating in the High Street -


Cowdenbeath - Gateways

Playpark next to Cardenden Primary

Kelty Play Park

Kelty Community Marquee

Cowdenbeath - Signage

Toddlers play area Cowdenbeath Public Park

Moray Institute

Cowdenbeath - Parking on Pavements in the High Street

Litter Pick - Kelty

Kelty Community Market

Traffic - Kelty

Cowdenbeath - Railway Bridge

Cowdenbeath - Repairs to pavements in the High Street

Park - Kelty

Traffic Issues

Cowdenbeath - walkway from Central Park to Chapel St

Playpark at Balgreggie Road Cardenden

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